"Six Methods for Sparking Historical and Time-Travel Stories" 🎉

Super excited that my article was published today at Women on Writing! Check out my craft article below, and learn more about my online Leaping Worlds writing class on this topic that starts Friday, February 10 (sign-ups open!) at: clickety-click/class info!

“Six Methods for Sparking Historical and Time-Travel Stories”

By: Melanie Faith


One of many wonderful facets of writing stories set in the past is that initial aha when an idea lands. While that spark’s arrival can be unpredictable, there are tried-and-true ways that authors of historical fiction and time-travel books employ to discover inspiration that sends them running to their computers.

Let’s take a look at six of these methods.  Take one (or more!) for a spin today.  Glean inspiration from:

Online articles.  Many of my students have found their story ideas while reading either primary sources (first-hand accounts and/or articles written at the time of the events) or secondary sources (articles written in later time periods about historical eras). Most newspapers and colleges now have online databases and articles of literally thousands of letters and historical documents (such as birth, marriage, legal, and land-deed records) that can be perused for free or nearly free. If you take classes or teach, most universities subscribe to database services where you can find even more sources, but even a general online search outside of a school’s website can yield a field-day of resources on just about any historical figure, fact, epoch, or related historical topic you can imagine. Once you find an article of interest, you can then refine your search by typing the precise person, place, or event and filter articles, such as by year published/posted to narrow and focus your search. Have a notebook or word-processing document open for taking notes; always list the author and URL and/or bookmark your sources for handy return to this info for fact-checking later.

Photographs. Are you a visual person? Are you the kind of person who loves paging through old photo albums or yearbooks? Then this method is likely going to lead to stories aplenty for you. I remember visiting historical sites in elementary and high school and being fascinated by tintype photos as well as always being the partygoer magnetized by the photo albums on a nearby shelf. Perusing photos for what people wore, how they did their hair, how they assembled (or didn’t) as a group in photos, who was missing from the photos and why, who took center-stage in the photos, whether the shots were made in a formal studio or by a personal camera in the driveway before the prom, all of these aspects of photos intrigued me and created sense impressions and questions that could easily lead to great fiction. Photos are especially great for writing descriptions of indoor and outdoor settings as well as physical details for characters.

Questions we don’t know the answers to at the moment. This is one of my favorites. So often, I’ll stumble upon a document or a reference in a nonfiction book and several questions will pop into my mind about related ideas that didn’t (for good reason) make it into whatever I’m reading. I keep my writing notebook handy and jot down questions that arise from resources. Later on, these questions can lead to exploration into a character’s motivations and struggles that inform their actions and possibly whole scenes can result. A little bit like a magician’s colorful scarf—one question leads to another and another related question that can reveal images, dialogue, cultural references, and more to inspire writing.

Memories. What did you like to learn about most in history classes in school? Conversely, what did teachers never talk about that they should have or you wish they would have? Answering these questions could certainly help with setting and character development if/when you plunk your protagonist in the middle of the era you’ve always found fascinating.

Visits to museums or national parks. Almost every community around the world has hidden-gem museums about their town, region, or country with amazing historical resources for low-cost entrance and/or donations. Ditto for university and college archives that are open to the public, to alumni, and/or to the school community. Check websites or contact your local archivist or docents for hours or to email/text to arrange a visit. Want to walk through some history? National parks can be inspiring resources and a great way to take a break from the desk for the day. Take a camera and/or photos with your phone to remember specifics about landscape later. Bonus: jot some sensory impressions and notes while you’re there—details flit through our minds on-site that we are sure we’ll remember …and then don’t.

Reading.  Hello, libraries!  It doesn’t matter how many books there are about a topic or historical figure or era or time-travel element—there’s always room for more. When I want to write about a certain era, I’ll read through a few recent and/or long-ago books about the topic, to see what’s already been written and where there might be pockets of information missing or where fresh ideas for a different POV or character arise. Reading and leaving reviews for others’ books is also a great way to give back to the literary community while informing yourself and immersing yourself in a time period to inspire your own totally different but equally interesting historical book.

One Book's Journey: Developmental Editing 📙

I look greatly forward to taking part in talented Joanne Nelson’s online class, One Book’s Journey: the path to publication, via Write on, Door County. During the first class on Wednesday, January 25th, I’ll be stopping by to discuss insights into developmental editing with Joanne and attendees.

To learn more about Joanne, her amazing writing, and her fabulous forthcoming book with Vine Leaves Press, please click here. To learn more about the other awesome topics and guest speakers who’ll visit her class, click here.

To learn more about the developmental editing talk on January 25th: click here.

Blog Tour: Craft Article about Beta Readers 🌟

Thrilled to have my craft article, “Bountiful Betas: Benefits of a Beta Reader and Tips for Finding One,” featured today as a guest post as part of my book tour for From Promising to Published at Elle Backenstoe’s blog.

An excerpt: “Beta readers can save authors a lot of time and frustration trying to figure out elements of our own work that can be hard to pinpoint—such as why a certain character feels flat or why a scene that started so well deflated within a few short paragraphs.” 

Read the rest at: Elle Backenstoe’s blog. Learn more about Elle and her forthcoming book here and here. Thanks so much, Elle!

Blog Tour: Article: "GPS: Tips for Finding a Good-Fit Freelance Editor"🌟

Ever wondered how to find an editor to assist on your writing project? Thrilled to have a craft article I wrote featured at Beverley A. Baird’s awesome blog today. Stop by to get advice on finding a best-fit editor for your manuscript.

An excerpt: “It can be invaluable to get an impartial view on our writing with the in-depth, personalized feedback a freelance editor provides. Editors catch inconsistencies, scope for grammar and structural problems, note unintended repetition and filler words, red-flag plot holes, mark underdeveloped dialogue or characterization, and much more. 

Where do you find a freelance editor anyway?

·         Ask a librarian. Many libraries host readings or writing groups as part of their community outreach. Plus, librarians dig a good information search and have a wide network…

·         Check your favorite indie author’s website. A sizable portion of authors take on editing projects.

· Check the Acknowledgments section of your favorite recently published books.”

Read the whole article with oodles more tips at: clickety-click!

Blog Tour: Review at Elle Backenstoe 🌟

An excerpt of the review: “The clear and concise writing is peppered with humor, making this an enjoyable, yet informative read that many will find easy to understand and apply to their own lives. I’m so glad to have found From Promising To Published at such an early point in my writing career. I know that this information will have a positive impact on my publishing plans and highly recommend this book for any who plan to publish (or already have).”

Read the rest at: Elle Backenstoe’s blog. Learn more about Elle and her forthcoming book here and here. Many thanks, Elle!

Blog Tour: Interview with Lisa Haselton 🌟

So pleased to have this interview as my blog-tour stop today. It was a pleasure to talk to Lisa about many facets of the writing life, such as finding time to write, as well as a few other topics, like when I first called myself a writer, what I’m working on currently, and both the Space Race and space diapers! Also, a sneak peek into my chapter, “Celebration Station.”


Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I alternate projects, so some of my projects sit on the backburner for months or even well over a year before the muse strikes to get back to them again. I work on projects intuitively, so I’ll write a chapter or a handful of poems or an article or two at a time and then either start a new project or rotate back to an already-started one that feels ready to work on again. Last weekend, I worked on two chapters of a project I hadn’t worked on since May.”

Read on: clickety-click!

Many thanks to Lisa Haselton for the insightful and fun questions. If you’re in the market for an editor for your writing project, please check out her editing services, her resources pages, as well as her blog for more wonderful interviews with authors.

Let the Fun Commence! Blog Tour Interview and Win a Copy! 💌📚

Super excited to launch my WOW! blog tour today for From Promising to Published! 💗

To get us started, I had the great joy of being interviewed by talented Nicole Pyles at Women on Writing. We dished about many writing topics, including submitting writing more than 1,300 times (aka: perseverance and keeping work in rotation), why I love teaching creative writing and what I’ve learned from my students, and the road to claiming the title of “writer.” Read on!

Check it out here: The Muffin interview clickety-click.

Also, after reading the interview, be sure to enter for your chance to win a free copy of my book (entries taken through December 18th) by filling out the Rafflecopter form located after the interview. Good luck! 🎊🍀

There’s also a copy up for grabs at The Mommies Reviews between now and December 10th . 📚

Giveaway: The Mommies Reviews clickety-click!

50 Give or Take, #2 Published and Ready for Readers! 📚🥳

It’s here! Check out this fabulous collection of micro stories to inspire your pen: clicky.

Such a treat to have work in this volume along with talented authors from across the globe. It’s the perfect addition to your bookshelf, classroom, syllabus, holiday gift list, and more!

Shout-out and many thanks to Jessica Bell and Elaina Battista-Parsons for this amazing, page-turning volume of stories.

"The 5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer" Published

A great joy that my piece, "The 5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer," was published this week at Authority Magazine, along with an interview about mistakes I’ve made in my writing journey, a long-time-arriving acceptance letter, and more.

Art & Interview in Bait/Switch 🥳

A true delight to get to participate in Bait/Switch, an innovative, inspiring “call and response art publication” where creatives are given a piece of art as a prompt to then create a new piece of art.

I had the best time creating my cyanotype, “On the Move,” and had a blast talking art, letter-writing, and more with multitalented editor and executive director Lu Valena. Check out the latest/fall 2022 issue for the work of wonderful creatives here: clickety.

Extra props and a very special shout-out to powerhouse of art and dear friend Christine Tierney. Many thanks for your encouragement to submit to Bait/Switch and for the marvelous poetry and life conversations. Such a joy to be publication twins with you, and kudos on your group show! 🥳Check out Christine’s gorgeous collage art and interview in the issue as well as her fabulous poetry book, chicken+lowercase=fleur .

To continued artistic inspiration!