New Notebook, New Season, New Doodle📝

Starting a new notebook—this little 5 x 7 beauty was a whole $1.25—is always a good feeling for me. Potentiality on each page. I’ve been experimenting with different types and sizes of paper for my doodles.

Last night, right before sleep, I broke out my new notebook, my 0.7 mm lead pencil, and my colored pencils and made an outlined sketch of a photographer. It was a peaceful, simmering hour as I drew a preliminary/reference sketch on scrap paper, opened the second page of the notebook (I often skip the first, as it sits a bit askew in the binding), and then started this drawing.

Filling in the figure was a particularly pleasant part of the process as well—colored pencils force a kind of quiet contemplation and over-and-over-and-over patience that slows my thinking and flashes me back to childhood hours quietly coloring or writing.

It’s probably not surprising that I would choose to draw a photographer in motion. One of my other happy places is photography (a few years ago, I wrote a book that combined my writing with my photography practice and tips, Photography for Writers).

Much like when writing, when I’m behind the lens, the daily drops away. I like the challenge of making what I see and how I see it into a composition. I like that it’s not an easy process nor a process I can take for granted or even a process that I fully steer, but that there are many do-overs available—as many as I have time and inclination to make.

Mostly, photography is a place of rare transcendence where the world slows and I make my thinking and my seeing into something at once me and not me. It’s a good space.

This is my first go-’round with sketching what I’m calling a silhouette portrait. Kindly ignore the erased shoulder and erased original feet, which I only realized after pondering them were pointing in the wrong direction from her body’s stance along with the smudge at the bottom of the page by the date. We’ll just call those markers of authenticity.😁

I have to say, though: I was a little surprised that one or two elements of this drawing felt to me like what it feels when I’m behind my camera: a liminal in-between space that just is what it is and unfolds as it should (if, frequently, not as I would have originally imagined).

Or maybe this is just my fancy-pants way of saying I couldn’t believe it actually sort of resembles a human and not a stick figure. 😆

The little notebook says “Plan” on the cover, but as we know, there are many things we simply cannot plan. Mostly, we can move, slowly, in a slightly new direction and see what happens, and then repeat the process as the happening unfolds. Drawings, photographs, writing, ourselves—all unfolding.

Blog Tour: Review at & Many Thanks! 🎉

Such a pleasure to have a review of my book at!

An excerpt from Leslie’s thoughtful review: “Through anecdotes, metaphor, and humor, this author keeps the reader engaged and laughing throughout the book. Yet the serious part of publishing comes through loud and clear, and a brief exercise is given at the end of each chapter to drive home the content. 

This book, From Promising to Published, came to me at the perfect time, just before I typed “The End” on my manuscript. I’ve made notes and scribbles throughout the book, a good sign that I’ll be coming back to it again and again. I’m in the middle of preparing all those things Melanie talks about: Author Bio, Cover Letters (including elements and examples), building a web and social media presence, and managing, and even planning for, rejection (something every writer needs). One of my goals for 2023 is to take more risks with my writing life. The author uses swimming as a metaphor for risk. I’m not a swimmer and, in fact, I’m terrified of deep water. But in writing, I’ve gone beyond the ‘toe-tip in the pool’ to mastering the ‘swan dive.’ Next up, the ‘butterfly stroke.’ I many never learn the ‘freestyle.’ To learn what each of those strokes represents in writing, take a deeper dive into this book, and enjoy the ripple effect of taking some risk. 

From Promising to Published contains helpful information about identifying a target audience and submitting to literary journals. But beyond that are tips and tricks I haven’t found in other books on publishing; for example, courtesies and networking among authors, protecting my personal space, avoiding burnout through self-care, and my favorite…celebration! A few months ago, I bought a beautiful peace sign paper weight for myself and had it wrapped up as a gift at the store. After typing “The End” following the last chapter (about freedom and peace), I celebrated by opening my gift. It sits on my bookcase as a daily reminder that I was able to achieve a significant milestone in my writing life!”

Read the rest of the review at: clickety-click!

Check out more of Leslie’s wonderful writing and publications here (“Friday Speak Out!: The List-Maker,” here (“My Favorite Chair”), and here (“What I Would Teach My Children”). Also enjoy this great interview with Leslie from Women on Writing when Leslie’s work placed Runner Up in WOW!’s 2020 Creative Nonfiction Contest: clickety-click.

Many thanks to Leslie Cox for this beautiful review and for making the final stop of my blog tour so meaningful! 🎉

My sincere appreciation and thanks to all of the bloggers who hosted my book during the tour and wrote reviews; to Women on Writing for ongoing support, enthusiasm, and kindness; to Nicole Pyles for applying her amazing blog-tour creation skills to my tour and making this such a fun experience that I couldn’t have done on my own; and to each of YOU, dear readers, who have come along on the fun journey of this blog tour and offered marvelous feedback and messages and/or have purchased From Promising to Published.

May your muse continue to shine, and here’s to filling 2023 with wondrous words and publications aplenty! 🎉

Blog Tour: Reviews at Liberate & Lather and Word Magic 🌟

Super excited to have reviews of From Promising to Published at Liberate & Lather and at Word Magic!

From the Liberate & Lather review: “I ended my read feeling built up, and options I never thought of were gifted to me.  My power to forge along as a writer has been renewed.  If you are on the fence about publishing or not publishing, wrestling with imposter syndrome, or needing fresh ideas to get your work in front of many eyeballs, then you want this in your hands.”

Many thanks to Angie Clay. Check out Angie’s awesome Ignite & Write Subscription Boxes, inspiring podcast, and self-care products.

From the Word Magic review: “Melanie’s goal is to demystify the mystifying process of publishing and she succeeds in this by giving a step by step, logical sequence of milestones and how to accomplish each goal. The chapters are coherently arranged for easy navigation. The author also advises that not every tip will apply to every reader, and they should feel free to pick up on the ones that most suit their situation. One piece of advice I liked was this: say you are a writer/author right from the start, not an imposter, and cling to that knowledge.”

Many thanks to Fiona Ingram at Word Magic. Check out Fiona’s amazing books and her wonderful series website: clickety-click!

Blog Tour: Craft Article, "6 Tips To Tame the Taking-on-Too-Much Spiral"🌟

I’m honored to have my craft article featured today at Editor-911 as the next stop in my book tour for From Promising to Published.

An excerpt:

How can we step back a little to create a gentler schedule?

Tip 1: Refrain from the immediate yes, however tempting. Pause for an hour (or even a day) when a great opportunity lands to think it through, step by step. 

Break down the opportunity’s required components and guesstimate possible time investments. Factor in your current energy level and health (yours and family members) before taking on a promising project. 

Visuals help: physically open your calendar and pinpoint exact hours in your schedule when you will do the work involved.  If you don’t have a lot of successive empty spots in your weeks ahead, you already know the answer. 

Last week, I had a fantastic short-term gig land in my inbox. My first instinct was to leap on it. Yes, yes, yes! Sign me up! 

Then, it occurred to me: a project like the one offered requires 2.5 to 3 hours minimum per day, 5 or 6 days a week…”

Read the rest at: clickety-click!

Many thanks to talented writer, book publisher, and educator Margo L. Dill!

Check out Margo’s awesome online writing classes, including Manuscript Draft Editing Package with Consultation (For Novels, Short Story Collections, and Memoirs), Children’s Novel Draft Editing Package (For Novels for Children Ages 9-12), and Writing a Novel with a Writing Coach: One-on-One Instruction, and Margo’s books and editing packages, sure to inspire and support your writing projects! Sign up for her free newsletter: clickety.

Book Tour: Author Chitchatting with Jill Sheets 🌟

In which our author couldn’t resist posing with these wintry, rectangular beams of sudden sunlight.

One more week of enjoyable stops on my book-blog tour; thanks for all of your messages, positive feedback, and support during this tour.

Kickstarting this week with a fun interview. Stay tuned for some info-packed craft articles/guest posts ahead about beta readers and the art of not taking on too much!

It was a real joy to chat with Jill Sheets recently about the art of pacing, not giving up too soon, photography, forthcoming writing classes, my lack of athletic prowess, and From Promising to Published, among other topics.

Check it out: clickety-click!

Many thanks to Jill Sheets. Check out more of her awesome interviews with writers and blog-tour posts at: clickety-click.

To 2023! 🎉

I bought this fanciful party horn at a greeting-card store and have lost track of when.

Doodle by yours truly. Mechanical pencil, Paper Mate Flair Medium and Arteza Bold 1.0 mm pens, and sketchbook paper. Digital filter used in larger version seen below.

It doesn’t have a year on it and the store is now out of business. It has golden paper that shimmers and a fluffy frill of ebony feathers that I think gets prettier with time.

It’s a little crooked (in real life and in my drawing) but holds a lot of hope and cheer.

Each time this calendar year we get to start over, to reset, to look ahead in art and in life, and that feels fitting and good. Thanks for all of your camaraderie and support.

Here we go, 2023! To all that we’ll create and experience in the year ahead!

Blog Tour: 2 Reviews 🌟

So happy to have two wonderful new reviews of my book, From Promising to Published!

Check out this review from Glenda at The Mommies Reviews: clickety-click.

Along with this review from Beverley A. Baird: clickety-click.

Many thanks to Glenda and Beverley! Check out more at: and

Blog Tour: Article--"7 Surefire Tips For Writing Author Bios With Personality And Heart"🌟

Super excited that my book tour stops today at Mindy McGinnis’ blog today and features my writing craft article with tips for crafting a meaningful author bio [clickety-click below to read]:

7 Surefire Tips For Writing Author Bios With Personality And Heart

Many thanks to Mindy! Check out Mindy’s awesome YA books, podcast, and editorial services while you’re there.

Blog Tour: Review at Elle Backenstoe 🌟

An excerpt of the review: “The clear and concise writing is peppered with humor, making this an enjoyable, yet informative read that many will find easy to understand and apply to their own lives. I’m so glad to have found From Promising To Published at such an early point in my writing career. I know that this information will have a positive impact on my publishing plans and highly recommend this book for any who plan to publish (or already have).”

Read the rest at: Elle Backenstoe’s blog. Learn more about Elle and her forthcoming book here and here. Many thanks, Elle!

Blog Tour: Review at Author Anthony Avina's Blog🌟

Thrilled to have my book, From Promising to Published, reviewed today at Author Anthony Avina’s book blog: clickety-click!

An excerpt from the review: “Honest, thought-provoking, and engaging, author Melanie Faith’s ‘From Promising to Published’ is a must-read guide and reference book on the publishing process for authors. The knowledge the reader is able to glean from this book and the writing style will allow readers to return to this book time and time again and keeps authors invested in learning the process of getting their work published in a cohesive way.”

Many thanks to Anthony!😊 Check out his awesome Nightmare Academy series, Identity, the Nightmare Wars Series, as well as his Cosmic Writing Studios which offers proofreading, beta reading, ghostwriting, editing services and more!

Anthony also left his wonderful review at Bookbub and Amazon. If you love books and interacting with authors and/or fellow readers, I’d highly recommend sharing your book reviews at both sites, along with joining the community at Goodreads.