Blog Tour: Craft Article about Beta Readers 🌟

Thrilled to have my craft article, “Bountiful Betas: Benefits of a Beta Reader and Tips for Finding One,” featured today as a guest post as part of my book tour for From Promising to Published at Elle Backenstoe’s blog.

An excerpt: “Beta readers can save authors a lot of time and frustration trying to figure out elements of our own work that can be hard to pinpoint—such as why a certain character feels flat or why a scene that started so well deflated within a few short paragraphs.” 

Read the rest at: Elle Backenstoe’s blog. Learn more about Elle and her forthcoming book here and here. Thanks so much, Elle!

Blog Tour: Article: "GPS: Tips for Finding a Good-Fit Freelance Editor"🌟

Ever wondered how to find an editor to assist on your writing project? Thrilled to have a craft article I wrote featured at Beverley A. Baird’s awesome blog today. Stop by to get advice on finding a best-fit editor for your manuscript.

An excerpt: “It can be invaluable to get an impartial view on our writing with the in-depth, personalized feedback a freelance editor provides. Editors catch inconsistencies, scope for grammar and structural problems, note unintended repetition and filler words, red-flag plot holes, mark underdeveloped dialogue or characterization, and much more. 

Where do you find a freelance editor anyway?

·         Ask a librarian. Many libraries host readings or writing groups as part of their community outreach. Plus, librarians dig a good information search and have a wide network…

·         Check your favorite indie author’s website. A sizable portion of authors take on editing projects.

· Check the Acknowledgments section of your favorite recently published books.”

Read the whole article with oodles more tips at: clickety-click!

Blog Tour: "4 Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome"

Thrilled to get to share my guest-blog article, 4 Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as the next stop of my blog tour at Michelle Cornish’s blog.

An excerpt: “Have you ever gotten praise for your writing but still felt it wasn’t good enough? Or gotten published and started to doubt if you’ll ever write anything publishable again? Or felt that the first story or poem or book was just a fluke?

It’s common for writers to experience imposter syndrome multiple times in our lives. Often, just when we’re advancing in our abilities, that doubtful voice rears up.

It’s understandable that confidence in our writing projects, and in ourselves, comes and goes, since we writers are sensitive people who create art. Still, there are things we can do to silence the not-good-enoughs.

Keep something for yourself."

Read the rest, along with a recent writing mix-tape list I compiled, at: “4 Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Many thanks to multitalented Michelle Cornish! Check out her awesome books and wonderful classes.

Blog Tour News! 🥳⭐

I’m super excited to announce a project I’ve been working on for a bit now: starting this Monday, December 5th (through January 7th, 2023), my latest book, From Promising to Published, will kickstart a WOW! blog tour!

Join us at the following amazing blogs for craft articles, some interviews about the book and writing, reviews, and more! Ta-da! 🥳📚

Special shout-out to fellow writers and book promoters extraordinaire Nicole Pyles at Women on Writing for championing my book and for super helpful answers to all of my questions and Angela Mackintosh for the fabulous tour banner and wonderful camaraderie! Many thanks to each of the generous book bloggers and reviewers as well! ⭐😊 I couldn’t have launched this tour without all of your support and kindness. Much appreciated!

I highly recommend WOW!’s book promotion services for fellow authors looking to expand their readership and market their books with the help of friendly, informed, enthusiastic book promoters and bloggers.

Featured Today on I've Got Questions 🥳

Great news! To celebrate my book birthday today, I’m featured on Clifford Garstang’s wonderful site, I’ve Got Questions.

It was a joy to talk about Writing It Real: Creating an Online Course for Fun and Profit as well as teaching, food, and other elements of the writing life.

Check out Cliff’s many excellent books as well as other interviews with talented authors.

✨ "3 Suggestions on a Saturday Night" ✨

I have the pleasure of guest blogging today at Nicole Pyles’ wonderful blog, World of my Imagination.

Check out my “3 Suggestions on a Saturday Night” for some literary, movie, and audio amusements.

Book Ad Fourth Page Color 5-20 Photography For Writers 3.125 x 4.625 1_4 page ad - color.jpg

"Journaling as a Discovery Tool for Current Projects" 🖊📕

Splendid news: I’m guest blogger today at CreateWriteNow!

My article, “Journaling as a Discovery Tool for Current Projects,” was published this morning.

Also check out journaling prompts, Mari’s marvelous book, Journaling Power, and other inspiring journaling resources at CreateWriteNow!

Photo courtesy of Nick Morrison at

Photo courtesy of Nick Morrison at

Author Interview at Tapioca Dance

I had the joy of being part of Nicole Chilton's artist interviews recently at her website, Tapioca Dance

We chatted about books, favorite tools for staying productive, recent projects, something I've learned this year, and more.

An excerpt: "Schedule unscheduled time. It's essential to renewing and nourishing art and artist alike. Sounds ridiculously simple, but it's actually the most difficult thing to do."


Check out the full convo here:

Meet the Author


Image by: Hipster Mum

Image by: Hipster Mum