"Journaling as a Discovery Tool for Current Projects" 🖊📕

Splendid news: I’m guest blogger today at CreateWriteNow!

My article, “Journaling as a Discovery Tool for Current Projects,” was published this morning.

Also check out journaling prompts, Mari’s marvelous book, Journaling Power, and other inspiring journaling resources at CreateWriteNow!

Photo courtesy of Nick Morrison at unsplash.com

Photo courtesy of Nick Morrison at unsplash.com

Article Published Today at createwritenow :)

Thrilled to announce that my article, “3 Tips for a New-Year, New-You Journal at Any Time of Year,” was featured today at the createwritenow blog. Check it out for some writing inspiration.

While you’re there, please peruse Mari McCarthy’s motivating Journaling Power book (I’ve read it and found it super helpful on my own writing journey) along with her inspiring courses and authentic mentoring, guaranteed to kick-start your 2019 to new levels of awesomeness.

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