One Week Until My Next Book Birthday & Signed Copies Available! 🎉

Just one week to go until this beauty drops. Woot! I had to break out the red lipstick today to celebrate.

Order today at Amazon: clickety-click!

Signed copies also available at WritePathProductions, my Etsy shop. Ta-da!

More details about the book:

Ever wanted to write a nonfiction reference book? Curious about how to organize and develop your topic into an inviting, easy-to-use manuscript? Look no further!

Packed with tips, this book will walk you through insights into planning, writing, editing, pre-publication, and marketing your reference book, from pre-writing to post-publication.

To sweeten the day even more, my box of copies arrived from my awesome publisher, Vine Leaves Press, and I got to hold my first printed copies of my May-releasing book, From Promising to Published: A Multi-Genre, Insider’s Guide to the Publication Process. Pre-order now open for this charming new addition to my book family.

A double delight, so I had to share. 😊📚 #authorlife

Upcoming Writing Class: Flash Writing! 📝

Super excited to offer my Flash Writing class this summer! Mark your calendars now, and I’d love to have you and a friend join me for this online workshop, starting Friday, July 1, 2022.

Sign-ups are now open.

More info: Featured Online Flash Writing Workshop: In a Flash!

I’ll be using the book I wrote on this topic, which is also available and handy-dandy for all writers, whether you’re in the market for a class or for a prompt-filled read to get those words flowing.

In a Flash book

In a Flash e-book

Signed Copies

🌟National Poetry Month Ekphrastic Project 📸🖊

Know what’s just around the corner?

National Poetry Month. (Making April everyone’s fav month for 25 years and counting.) 😊

Know what else? I’m thrilled to say that I’ve been asked to take part in Film Shooters Collective’s rad project that pairs film photographers’ work with poets’ verse each day in April. That’s right: I’ve penned a poem based on the amazing art of a fellow photographer. Stay tuned! 📸

Be sure to check Film Shooters Collective’s Insta and website each day for your daily dose of delicious inspiration.


Care for some sweet poetic inspiration in the meantime? Check out my book—filled with oodles of tips and prompts created with poets in mind:

Poetry Power

Book Ad Fourth Page Color 5-20 Poetry Power 3.125 x 4.625 1_4 page ad - color.jpg

Now also available in the 3-book series for e-readers!

Signed copies available at: WritePath Productions, my Etsy store

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My Poem Featured :)

Cool news this week: I was honored that a poem from my This Passing Fever collection was chosen and read online by Lee Ann Berardi Smith as a part of an awesome poetry project. Catch it here.

Care to get your own signed copy of This Passing Fever? I’ve got you. Here.

Want to learn more about writing poetry? I’ve got that, too: here.

I’m in the midst of exciting music collaborations with the poems. More details later this year. Stay tuned!

this passing fever 2 9-01-18.jpg

Write Flash Fiction and Flash Nonfiction that Sells! :)

Learn how to write and edit flash that catches editors’ eyes! Super cool video at: Check out In A Flash.

Signed copies available at: Write Path Productions.

E-copies and print copies available at: Amazon, In a Flash .

In a Flash Updated Cover 7-08-19.jpg

Now Offering Free Shipping at My Etsy-- New Prints up, Too :)

Pleased to have updated my Etsy shop,Write Path Productions .

I’m now offering free shipping on orders of $35 or more which, to give you an idea, would be one 8 x 10 print or two 5 x 7 prints of your choice.

I’ve also added six of my favorite recent shots I’ve taken, such as these.

Check out all six new prints at: Write Path Productions Prints .

Artifact Razor Closeup Sep3 5-15-19.jpg
Artifact Series Sugar Bowl Smile 3SY 5-14-19.jpg
Moment Series-- Hope against Hope2P  12-08-18.jpg