
So this great surprise just arrived in the mail in a manila envelope. 🥳

Writing it Real: Creating an Online Course for Fun and Profit has gleaned me a medal.

Now, I’m very klutzy and have never been an athlete. I was on one team (basketball, fifth grade), and I certainly never got a trophy or medal of any kind for athletic skill (of which I possess very little) or even my bench-warming skills (which are much more practiced), so this medal for things I deeply care about (writing, books, publishing) was especially welcome. 📚

My book about teaching online was a finalist in the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. My book placed in the Education/Academic (Non-Fiction) category. 🌹 For a list of the categories and all of this year’s winners and finalists (including yours truly), clicky.

My Food-Themed Microfiction, "Sunday Dinner," Published Today! 🍋

Super excited that my flash story, “Sunday Dinner,” was featured today at 50 Give or Take. Story No. 582! Woot! Subscribe (it’s free and fun) to give it a read and to get wonderful microfiction delivered to your inbox each day for reading and writing inspiration.

I also enjoyed writing a new one-sentence bio to keep it fresh and accompany my story: “Melanie Faith is a night-owl writer and editor who often moves through the daytime world with her camera and heart-shaped, leopard-print sunglasses.” 😎

Have some 50-word stories or wanna write one? Submissions currently open (details below):

Fifty Give or Take

To microfiction in its storytelling power! #smallbutmighty

Photo courtesy of Marina Grynykha on Unsplash.

📝My Article Published Today: "Fabulous Flash: Diving Headfirst into the Pool of Uncertainty"

Super excited to announce that my article, Fabulous Flash: Diving Headfirst into the Pool of Uncertainty,” was published today at Women on Writing. I end the article with a fun prompt to take for a spin. 🌹

Clickety-click on the article title above to read more, and check out the many inspiring writing workshops in an array of genres available from talented published writers via the WOW classroom page .

My online class flash fiction workshop is accepting students between now and the July 1st start date. To learn more, check out: In a Flash Workshop. Flash is one of my favorite genres, and I’d love to work with you and your writing friends.

Copies of the text we’ll use, also written by yours truly, are available at Amazon and (for signed copies) at my Etsy page. Write on!

Exciting Update: Interview😀🎊

Recently, I had the great joy to share my thoughts with multitalented author and editor Roz Morris about writing, publishing, books, persistence, a fulfilling artistic life, and so much more: clicky here to dive into the fun.

Be sure to check out Roz’s excellent books, from her riveting, prize-winning novel, Ever Rest, and the many stellar reviews it has gleaned to her wonderful craft books sure to encourage novelists on this writing path.

Also, Roz has a meaningful newsletter, insightful interviews with fellow creatives, and more at her site to motivate and to bring out the very best in your writing.

It's Book Birthday Time! 🤩

Welcome to the world, From Promising to Published! Super excited for this book birthday, so I’m burning the midnight oil to ring in publication day. 🎇📔

Get your copy at Vine Leaves Press, Amazon, or my Etsy shop for signed copies.

Fabulous cover by Jessica Bell at Jessica Bell Design.

Project Reveal! 🎊

I’ve been collaborating with uber-talented Jessie Carty on this very fun interactive learning game with a creative writing theme, and the project is all set for writers, teachers, creative folks, and learners to enjoy.


I highly recommend Jessie for taking a concept and developing it into an imaginative and meaningful project that combines her fabulous tech skills with content in an engaging way. Whether you’re in writing, education, or both, if you’re interested in developing an idea in a new direction for online media, Jessie Carty has got so much to offer to make your project shine! Contact her via LinkedIn or Facebook.

Next Week! 🎊

Just one more week until this little beauty has a book birthday! Can’t wait.🎊📔 From Promising to Published: A Multi-Genre, Insider's Guide to the Publication Process!

"Have You Seen These Characters?" Cool Project Sneak Peek

The ever-talented Jessie Carty , Instructional Designer and Content Developer and fellow writer, has been working her magic on developing an initial idea sparked from Writing It Real: Creating an Online Course for Fun and Profit into an interactive educational activity for writers, teachers, and readers to explore and learn about giving quality writing feedback.

Excited to offer a sneak peek of “Have You Seen These Characters? Taking the Scary Out of Giving Writing Feedback.”

I highly recommend Jessie for taking a concept and developing it into an imaginative and meaningful project that combines her fabulous tech skills with content in an engaging and fun way. Whether you’re in writing, education, or both, if you’re interested in developing an idea in a new direction for online media, Jessie Carty has got so much to offer to make your project shine! Contact her via LinkedIn or Facebook.

Author Interview: Check out Aôthen Magazine! 🌞

Thrilled to be interviewed for the first issue of a wonderful new literary magazine, Aôthen Magazine. Check out the interview here.

Shout-out to the fabulous Samantha Ng, Editor in Chief, who was a joy to work with—I highly recommend checking out the magazine for a great read, considering submitting creative work, and/or advertising options for authors.

More about “Aôthen Magazine (named after the Doric Greek term for the earliest dawn) is an upcoming zine dedicated to all kinds of Classics inspired content! (art, poetry, essays, photography, etc.).”

Check out their submission guidelines for future issues.

Author Interview: I'm Featured Today on Hasty Book List 🌞

I’m thrilled to be the featured author on Hasty Book List today. Check it out! Also, my book was a book feature at the site: ta-da!

Many thanks to the very talented Ashley at Hasty Book List. Check out her awesome Instagram here as well as the work of many talented writers on the Hasty Book List site.