Super excited to launch my WOW! blog tour today for From Promising to Published! 💗
To get us started, I had the great joy of being interviewed by talented Nicole Pyles at Women on Writing. We dished about many writing topics, including submitting writing more than 1,300 times (aka: perseverance and keeping work in rotation), why I love teaching creative writing and what I’ve learned from my students, and the road to claiming the title of “writer.” Read on!
Check it out here: The Muffin interview clickety-click.
Also, after reading the interview, be sure to enter for your chance to win a free copy of my book (entries taken through December 18th) by filling out the Rafflecopter form located after the interview. Good luck! 🎊🍀
There’s also a copy up for grabs at The Mommies Reviews between now and December 10th . 📚
Giveaway: The Mommies Reviews clickety-click!