One-Year Book Birthday Giveaway!

February marks the one-year book birthday for my book, Writing It Real: Creating an Online Course for Fun and Profit! In celebration, I’m going to run a book giveaway to share this splendid book that’s packed with tips and insights aplenty on everything from brainstorming your class idea to crafting your syllabus to running your class and so much more to keep educators motivated and interactive with their students.

Between now and Wednesday, February 15th, 2023, if you’re interested in winning a free copy, just leave a comment at my Instagram @frompromisingtopublished99 or here at my website in the Comments section of the post, letting me know what type of course you’d love to create and teach.

Examples might include but are not limited to: science fiction, poetry, flash fiction, romance novels, photography, introductory figure study, pottery, creative nonfiction, memoir, journalism, you name it.

Feel free to add a detail or two of why this class idea interests you, if you’d like.

After the 15th, I’ll enter all names from the comments into a hat (‘cause I run old-school that way🥳) and pick some winners. 😊📔Good luck, and teach on!

Fall into Reading Book Giveaway

Happy Fall! There’s a crispness in the breeze today that matches with what the calendar says about a new season. Time for cozy sweaters and curling up with fabulous books!

Want to win some stellar books to keep your TBR pile stocked this fall? Or how about an Amazon gift card? Enter this free and awesome Fall into Reading contest at Women on Writing between now and October 6, 2022: clicky.

I’m so pleased to offer copies of my latest book, From Promising to Published, as part of the contest offerings. Read all about all of the excellent books on offer and enter the Rafflecopter form for a chance to win at WOW’s blog: The Muffin.

Welcome and Super-Cool Announcement :)

Greetings, and welcome to my website! I've been putting off having my own website with portfolios of my writing and photography for ages and ages; I'm quite pleased that this summer I (finally!) decided to stop the procrastination and just jump in already. 

Please have a look around-- I have links to a sampling of my published poetry, stories, and writing-about-writing. Need inspiration to get your own Muse in a healthy run? Check out my shop-- where I've discounted my Writing Prompt and Affirmation Card sets for a limited time and also get the scoop and skinny on fall online classes I'll be teaching.

I also am available for freelance hiring to write artist statements and to organize or edit manuscripts of poetry and other art forms as well as to provide cover photography-- contact moi with the deets for rates.

Peruse my photography portfolio, one of my favorite parts of this website--made possible by the creative wizardry of my web guru, Ashlee Mays (and shout out to the talented Holly Helscher for the invaluable tips and introduction to Ashlee).   

Along the way, I'll also post writing tips, articles, photography samplings from new series I've been developing, and prompts in this lovely blog as well as updates on work I have in pre-publication right now. Keep coming back for literary goodies and updates, ya'll.

Oh, and how could I forget? My announcement: one of my still-life photos won an art competition through Brain Mill Press and will be featured on a poetry book this fall. Très excited. Check it out.