Awesome Interview Ahead! 🎉

Less than 3 days until my next book releases on Tuesday!

To celebrate the exciting occasion, I was thrilled to be featured on talented writer Kate Bradley-Ferrall’s blog. Check it out: clickety-click!

Blog: "Stalled? Here’s one way to jump-start your writing" 🎉

So honored to be a part of the conversation today at talented Kate Bradley-Ferrall’s marvelous blog. along with inspired author and writing instructor Sue Bradford Edwards. Check out how “writing in unfamiliar genres can reboot your writing and challenge you in interesting and inspiring ways.” 🎉📝

Featured Today on I've Got Questions 🥳

Great news! To celebrate my book birthday today, I’m featured on Clifford Garstang’s wonderful site, I’ve Got Questions.

It was a joy to talk about Writing It Real: Creating an Online Course for Fun and Profit as well as teaching, food, and other elements of the writing life.

Check out Cliff’s many excellent books as well as other interviews with talented authors.

✨On Developmental Editing: More of the Scoop at …But I Also Have a Day Job ✨

Photo Courtesy of Laura Chouette,

Photo Courtesy of Laura Chouette,

Wonder how a developmental edit works? The answer by super talented writer and fellow Daria aficionado Ian Rogers at …But I Also Have a Day Job. @IantheRoge 🙌

While you’re there, read his insightful interviews with inspiring writing advice from cool writers, such as Gina Troisi.

Also, check out TRAM, the awesome indie zine out of Toyama, Japan that Ian co-edits.

Also, get ready for his debut novel, MFA Thesis Novel, dropping in April 2022 at Vine Leaves Press @VineLeavesPress --it's fantastic and funny. I’m excited for readers and fellow writers to get their hands on this literary gem. 📘📚🖊

Photo Courtesy of Laura Chouette,

Photo Courtesy of Laura Chouette,

✨New Interview at: But I Also Have a Day Job 📓

Wonderful news: I was interviewed recently by talented writer and editor Ian Rogers at But I Also Have a Day Job. Our discussion dropped today; it’s a perfect way to open March on an artistic note.

We discussed oodles of writing and career topics alongside a few scoops about my photography.

Check it out, along with numerous other interviews with fantastic authors talking about their creative passions and how to balance writing with making a living!

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✨ "3 Suggestions on a Saturday Night" ✨

I have the pleasure of guest blogging today at Nicole Pyles’ wonderful blog, World of my Imagination.

Check out my “3 Suggestions on a Saturday Night” for some literary, movie, and audio amusements.

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