In Photographic News: This One's Lomo-tastic!
Bye-bye, January (relieved to have you gone); hello, February (burgeoning with possibility)!
Treated myself to this little beauty: the Diana F+ "Mr. Pink." Can't wait to see what film photo razzle-dazzle we'll create together.
To learn more about Lomography photography, <— clicky.
New Year, New Writing: I've Got the Inspiration Station for You
This is your year! Invest in your writing dreams in 2020!
Write poetry? Try Poetry Power! for signed copies or Poetry Power for print and ebook copies via Amazon.
What writers are saying about Poetry Power: “After reading Poetry Power, I feel confident that yes! I could be a poet. Melanie takes her readers by the hand and walks them through the whole process of writing, publishing, editing and loving poetry. Little personal vignettes scattered throughout Poetry Power made me feel like Melanie was a friend. It was as if we were in a writing group together and she was sharing her writing secrets. Each chapter ends with a Try this Prompt that are easy and exciting to try.” —Tricia L. McDonald, Writer and CEO Splattered Ink Press
Write fiction or nonfiction? Try In a Flash for signed copies or In a Flash for print and ebook copies via Amazon.
What writers are saying about In a Flash: “Written in lively prose, and full of terrific prompts and great examples of the form, this book captures all the potential of flash prose pieces and crystallizes it expertly for the reader, whether novice or advanced.” Fred G. Leebron, director of writing programs in Charlotte, Roanoke, Gettysburg and Latin America, and Pushcart Prize and O.Henry Award recipient
Love photography AND writing? Try Photography for Writers for signed copies or Photography for Writers for print and ebook copies via Amazon.
What writers are saying about Photography for Writers: “If you’re a writer (or photographer!) that’s tired of the same old how-to books, then you’re in luck. Melanie’s advice takes you on a delightful tour of the creative world in a way you haven’t seen yet. Her voice and ideas will spark ideas - you’ll be laughing and learning but also producing! This book is a treat!"
–Kandace Chapple, publisher and writer of Grand Traverse Woman magazineSigned book bundles available at: WritePath Productions.
I'm Featured Author at Burningword Literary Journal :)
Super excited to announce that I’m Featured Author this month at Burningword Literary Journal.
Check out my poetry here: “Clean out” and “First Bite” poems.
Consider submitting your work (between now and March 10th), here: Submissions.
Also, consider supporting the journal and purchasing the issue, jam-packed with wonderful artistic works, here: Issue 93.
Craft Article: "Introducing Your Next Characters: How to Outline Your Protagonist and Nemesis"
Great news! My craft article was published by Women on Writing today! Read on for some tips sure to develop your latest fictional protagonist and antagonist.
“Introducing Your Next Characters: How to Outline Your Protagonist and Nemesis”
By: Melanie Faith
Protagonists and antagonists: every story has them, or should have them. Our readers want someone to root for, someone they can identify with as they conquer problems both common and extraordinary. They also want an instigator, a character whose sole goal is to create the tension and conflict we experience in real life.
Think of these characters as paired all-stars in your novel—wherever there’s the protagonist striving to make their hopes and dreams happen with their actions, the antagonist should soon appear to work their devious deeds of mayhem to block those hopes and dreams.
Many writers delve straight into their initial scenes with their protagonist without knowing more about their protagonist than a name and perhaps an age. Certainly, many writers begin stories without knowing anything about the antagonists who will make it their purpose to mar the protagonist at every turn.
While one could free-write scenes for endless weeks or months, the more sensible approach is to do some quick but fruitful pre-writing to “meet” your protagonist and antagonist before setting your scenes to the page.
Outlining character details before writing chapters will:
* save you time figuring out what your protagonist wants,
* save you time and scenes figuring out why your protagonist is doing what (s)he is doing,
* create immediate conflict that sets your novel’s plot into motion,
* help you to pinpoint exactly why this protagonist desires what (s)he desires,
* introduce you to the antagonist’s desires and why (s)he doesn’t want the protagonist to succeed,
* and demonstrate the lengths the antagonist is willing to go to block your protagonist.
To get started, consider the following outlining exercise. Set a clock for fifteen or twenty minutes and answer these questions. Allow ideas and information to bubble up from your subconscious without editing or omitting details. Write as much or as little for each question as you wish. J
There are many, many more approaches for developing notes about your protagonist, numerous of which I’ll explore during my course Outline Your Novel with Ease, but these initial questions will get you well on your way to a juicy conflict and two well-rounded main characters.
Feel free to keep writing beyond the ding of the timer. Pick a few of these questions, or answer them all. Feel free to add details over the following hours and days as they appear to you. Keep in mind that protagonists are not all good and sweet, nor are antagonists all selfish or rude; we’re all a blend of qualities, emotions, circumstances, and missteps.
Then, after a few days, sit down to draft your initial scene. In the scene, use several details directly from this exercise.
By the way, you’ll learn more about your protagonist from this pre-writing exercise than you will include in the scene, which is perfectly normal and a great idea. Think of those “characters” you know in real life—you know a lot more about them (and they about you!) than either of you share directly when communicating.
Meet your protagonist:
* What is their childhood nickname? Do they still go by this name? Would they hide it?
* What is their birth order? Do they have siblings? Would they have liked [more] siblings or no siblings? Does anything in their background influence their thoughts about having or raising children?
* Do they live where they thought they would as a teen? Why or why not? Are they willing to move to another location? Why or why not?
* What is your protagonist’s dream job? Do they currently have that job? Do they have excuses for why they don’t have that job? If so, what are they?
* Describe a time when your protagonist was overlooked or underappreciated. What would it take to make your protagonist feel like a winner?
Meet your antagonist:
* Does your antagonist have a nickname? Do they still use it? Would they hide it?
* Has your antagonist known your protagonist since childhood? Since college? If not, when and how did your antagonist and protagonist meet?
* What was your antagonist’s initial (unspoken) impression of your protagonist? Describe their first conversation.
* What is your antagonist’s biggest regret?
* Describe a time when your antagonist felt like a winner. Then write about a time when your antagonist felt like a complete zero.
Want to learn more? Check out my 2020 classes, beginning on January 17th with Outlining Your Novel with Ease! Click here: 2020 classes info.
NaNoWriMo 2019-- Check! :)
Hearty congrats to my fellow NaNoWriMo 2019 writers.
We made it! [High-five.]
Welcome to the World, Photography for Writers!
At long last, it’s release day for my new book, Photography for Writers!
Buy your copy today at Vine Leaves Press. Signed copies also available, via my WritePathProduction Etsy Shop or via pm.
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash .
One Week until my Book Birthday for Photography for Writers!
Super excited for the release of my latest book next week: Photography for Writers! Check out this awesome video trailer for my book. Get your copy today at: Vine Leaves Press .
A NaNoWriMo Interview with Christin Rice :)
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Happy Week Two of NaNoWriMo November!
After clocking in my writing this morning, my tally is holding steady at 8,181 words and counting. I’m 100% certain that I wouldn’t have written half this much without the daily writing practice.
But don’t take my word for it: I’m thrilled to introduce fellow novelist, MFA graduate, mom extraordinaire of a super-cute baby daughter, and all-around awesome friend, Christin Rice, who kindly talked with me earlier today about her NaNoWriMo 2019 journey.
*What inspired you to take part in the challenge?
I really like a short term challenging challenge, especially for writing. It propels me and a project forward to have a short-term focus, knowing I can work at a pace that would be unsustainable in the long-term. In my pre-baby life, I could do back to back challenges like that, but with a nine-month old I am focusing on just the month of November.
I also was realizing how good the timing was: December writing is always interrupted by holiday stuff. I travel in January whenever possible.
And my baby turns one in February which is my self-imposed deadline to figure out when/how/what to go back to work. Which means if I want some pages of first draft, November is my best bet. That's good motivation to just get going and keep going.
*What project are you working on?
It's a new novel, and man it feels GREAT to work on first draft fiction. I haven't done that in a year because I've been focused on revising a novel, then writing some creative nonfiction, and oh yeah, having a baby.
The novel is not about IVF and infertility, but that plays a big part in what is happening in the character's lives.
It's really fun to mine some of my direct experience, but put it in a very different context and explore how complicated it can all be through two complicated female characters (I looooove complicated female characters).
*Anything else you'd like to share about the NaNo process?
Don't revise while writing!
Don't let yourself read more than one paragraph back, and that's just to ground yourself on where to go next. You can revise in December, but no editors in your head in November.
Check out more of Christin’s amazing writing at her blog: Invincible Summer.
Taking your own NaNoWriMo 2019 journey? I’d love to talk to you about your project. Email away.
Photo by Tim Mossholder at .