Blog Tour: Review at The Faerie Review 🧚‍♀️

Excited to have a review of my book, From Promising to Published, today at my next book-blog tour stop, The Faerie Review.

An excerpt of the 5-star review: “If you want a guide that’s easy to read, with anecdotes from the author, and exercises sprinkled throughout, then this is the book you’ve been waiting for. Faith walks the line between too broad and too specific in this guide, and does a great job of making everything relatable.”

Many thanks to The Faerie Review! Read the rest of the review at: clickety-click.

Also check out more of their insightful reviews. Are you an author interested in connecting with The Faerie Review for a possible book review or interview? Check out their FAQ page here.

Blog Tour: Review at Mother-Daughter Book🌟

Thrilled to have a review of my book, From Promising to Published, today at my next book-blog tour stop, Mother-Daughter Book Club.

An excerpt: “Writers looking for inspiration about how to get their work into the hands of people who can publish it will find it in Melanie Faith’s guidebook, From Promising to Published: A Multi-Genre, Insider’s Guide to the Publication Process.

Faith’s straightforward writing style makes the book feel like you are getting advice from a trusted friend. The book is divided into four sections, making it easy to navigate ahead or go back for a quick review of something already covered. The sections include how to start out as a writer, how to find the right audience and market for your work, getting paid and celebrating your successes large and small, and thriving long-term as a writer.”

Read the rest at: Mother-Daughter Book

Many thanks to Cindy Hudson, book-club expert, author, writer, journalist, and editor. Check out books and helpful mother-daughter book club resources by Cindy at: Amazon clickety-click. Also, learn more here ab0ut Cindy’s freelance writing and editing services, which include ghostwriting, brochures, newsletters, website consulting, book-club consulting, and much more.

Blog Tour: Interview with Lisa Haselton 🌟

So pleased to have this interview as my blog-tour stop today. It was a pleasure to talk to Lisa about many facets of the writing life, such as finding time to write, as well as a few other topics, like when I first called myself a writer, what I’m working on currently, and both the Space Race and space diapers! Also, a sneak peek into my chapter, “Celebration Station.”


Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I alternate projects, so some of my projects sit on the backburner for months or even well over a year before the muse strikes to get back to them again. I work on projects intuitively, so I’ll write a chapter or a handful of poems or an article or two at a time and then either start a new project or rotate back to an already-started one that feels ready to work on again. Last weekend, I worked on two chapters of a project I hadn’t worked on since May.”

Read on: clickety-click!

Many thanks to Lisa Haselton for the insightful and fun questions. If you’re in the market for an editor for your writing project, please check out her editing services, her resources pages, as well as her blog for more wonderful interviews with authors.

Blog Tour: Review at SueBE's One Writer's Journey 🎊

Thrilled to have a review of my book, From Promising to Published, on SueBE’s One Writer’s Journey this morning! 🤩📝

An excerpt: “Write every day. Find a critique group. Blah blah blah. It seems like 90% of the advice that I find for writers is the same old same old. If that’s what you’re after, then step away from this book. It isn’t the one for you….

This isn’t a book about how to write a novel or how to pen a picture book. But it is a top notch guide on publication. Whether you are a fairly new writer or a seasoned pro, you’re going to find the gentle nudge and the words of encouragement that you need…

Whether you need information on monetizing your writing, querying, audience or more, check out Melanie’s book. This is not your typical how-to which makes it an excellent choice for writers of all kinds.”

Read the rest at SueBE’s One Writer’s Journey.

Many thanks to talented Sue Bradford Edwards for this wonderful review! I highly recommend Sue’s meaningful nonfiction books as well as her insightful classes, including her next three WOW! courses: Pitching, Querying, and Submitting Your Work; Research: Prepping to Write Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults; and Writing Nonfiction for Children and Young Adults.

For more information about Sue’s books and her classes: please click here for books and click here for classes.

Blog Tour: Review at Shoe's Seeds & Stories 🌟

So pleased to have a review of my book, From Promising to Published, at Shoe’s Seeds & Stories.

An excerpt of the review: “I’ve read many writing craft books over the years. What I like about this writing craft book is that besides many helpful chapters on topics such as writing your biography and whether to simultaneously submit, there are also unique chapters on areas of my writing life that I would have never thought about. It’s like talking to your writing bestie who tells you the tiny details that other people forget or don’t think are important.”

Please catch the rest at: Shoe’s Seeds & Stories. Also, check out Linda Schueler’s awesome books and Twitter. Many thanks, Linda! 📝👍

Blog Tour: Review at World of My Imagination🌟

A complete joy to have my book reviewed today at World of my Imagination.🤩

An excerpt from the review: “One of my absolute favorite chapters was the art of writing the author bio. This is a process that I’ve had such a hard time with and Melanie gave such great tips on crafting a memorable one (that doesn’t just read like a resume).

Overall, there are so many helpful aspects of this book! It’s inspiring and keeps you moving forward to grow your writing career.”

Check out the rest at World of My Imagination.

Many thanks to the talented Nicole Pyles! If you’re an author who is interested in publicizing your book with a friendly, supportive, and well-connected literary professional, I highly recommend working with Nicole and WOW! 📚

Blog Tour: Review 🌟

A joy to have a great review for my book at Margay Leah Justice’s blog today!

Here’s an excerpt of her review.

“This is probably one of the easiest to follow works on the subject of publishing and I've read a lot on my own path to publishing. It is such a mystifying process and sometimes, you just need it to be simplified in order to understand what, exactly, it is that you are undertaking. Melanie Faith does that in this book and in such a way that you feel like you're having a conversation with a friend not reading a technical manual that's written in another language (as I often have in the past). She uses her own experiences on the journey as a basis for the book, showing you how it can be done, and ends each chapter with exercises to try and give you your own foundation…”

Read the rest at: Margay Leah Justice [clickety click].

Many thanks to Margay! Write on! 😊✍️

Blog Tour: "How to Self-Motivate" 💡

The next stop on the Blog Tour is an article I had the joy of writing for Mari L. McCarthy’s CreateWriteNow.

Today’s article is all about self-motivation in your writing life, a topic particularly apt during this hectic holiday season. Enjoy! Clickety-click.

Also check out Mari’s wonderful books, such as Mindset Medicine and Journaling Power, along with motivating courses, beautiful music, and inspiring journaling podcast and videos.

Blog Tour: "To Monetize or Not: How to Know When to Make Money From Writing"

It’s a real treat to have my blog-tour guest post published today at Karen Brown Tyson’s wonderful website.

Ever wonder whether you should seek to monetize your writing? Ever debated keeping your writing a hobby? My craft article will explore several considerations on this topic to point you in the direct of the perfect fit for you and your writing.

Clickety-click! Many thanks to Karen Brown Tyson for her kindness and support. 🌟

Let the Fun Commence! Blog Tour Interview and Win a Copy! 💌📚

Super excited to launch my WOW! blog tour today for From Promising to Published! 💗

To get us started, I had the great joy of being interviewed by talented Nicole Pyles at Women on Writing. We dished about many writing topics, including submitting writing more than 1,300 times (aka: perseverance and keeping work in rotation), why I love teaching creative writing and what I’ve learned from my students, and the road to claiming the title of “writer.” Read on!

Check it out here: The Muffin interview clickety-click.

Also, after reading the interview, be sure to enter for your chance to win a free copy of my book (entries taken through December 18th) by filling out the Rafflecopter form located after the interview. Good luck! 🎊🍀

There’s also a copy up for grabs at The Mommies Reviews between now and December 10th . 📚

Giveaway: The Mommies Reviews clickety-click!