Poem Publication : "Lines Composed after Purchasing a 2020 Planner"

Thrilled to announce that my poem, “Lines Composed after Purchasing a 2020 Planner” was published in the current issue of Verse of Silence.

For my fellow poets and writers, the editors accept submissions at Verse of Silence Submissions.

Like this image I made? Prints available at Write Path Productions.

Like this image I made? Prints available at Write Path Productions.

Like Writing down the Bones and The Artist's Way?

Just in time for NaNoWriMo! If you liked Bird by Bird and other craft books, check out In a Flash and these nifty videos my awesome publisher created.

Writing down the Bones style

Writing coach and publishing advisor style

Invest in your writing today. All three titles in my Flash Writing series are now available, including the pre-order for Photography for Writers.

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Write Flash Fiction and Flash Nonfiction that Sells! :)

Learn how to write and edit flash that catches editors’ eyes! Super cool video at: Check out In A Flash.

Signed copies available at: Write Path Productions.

E-copies and print copies available at: Amazon, In a Flash .

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Pre-Order Photography for Writers Today!

Thrilled to share the news that my next book, Photography for Writers, is now available for pre-order! Check out this AWESOME video that Vine Leaves created, featuring my book and some of my photography.

Pre-Order Video

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Photography for Writers-- Holding the First Print Copy :)

Super excited for my next book, Photography for Writers, which will be published this November. Stay tuned!

That holding the first author copy feeling! 💕🔥📝📷😭😍💡

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