Prose Poem Published 🖊📓

Wonderful news! My prose poem, “Return to Beck,” was published at Cerasus Magazine, a fantastic international literary magazine out of the UK. (Props to my fellow Gen Xers and ’90s babies in the house. 😎✨🎸)

Check out the many fantastic artists in Issue #2, submission guidelines here, and read on for a small excerpt from parts of four stanzas in my piece:

“Return to Beck” excerpt:

I look down this very long set of rectangular tables pushed together and there is Beck, dressed like the ’90s, singing along to Beck. And I walk past him, also singing Beck, thinking: “Keep it cool. Pretend this is just a normal thing, Beck sitting here, singing his own song”…

Beck never made eye contact (cool customer); he just went about his business, giving off 100% Beckness. The Beckness was just real-life rolling off of him, down the tables, and people milling around but nobody saying this was any big thing, this was just the same old Beckitude, any day of the week. And I was trying to keep my stuff together. Sure, I could mill around, I could keep it cool…

I took down some fizzled balloons, some soggy streamers wound around my bare arms, outside the party, outside the door, but didn’t see the trash can, didn’t see anybody, so I turned back to Beck, walked back in. There he still was, being all 100% Beck, Beckalicious, Becktastic. He hadn’t moved….

I was trying to keep it together, “just keep it together,” and walking around him at the terribly long tables and him not making eye contact, and the ’90s were back but we had nowhere to take them. So Beck kept singing Beck, Beckifically, and the Beckness was all around, 100% authentic, the ’90s were oozing…

For the entire, much longer prose poem, check out Issue 2.

Cerasus Cover Issue 2.jpg

My Photo Published, "Moment Series--Wish and Shadow" 😎

Thrilled to say that my photo, “Moment Series—Wish and Shadow,” was published today in the art gallery of Songs of Eretz Poetry Review.

Check out a few reflections I made about my photo as well as the work of the amazing poets, such as my dear friend Charles A. Swanson, and artists featured in this Summer 2021 Love Issue.

Moment Series--Wish and Shadow 4-28-21EL.jpg

✨On Developmental Editing: More of the Scoop at …But I Also Have a Day Job ✨

Photo Courtesy of Laura Chouette,

Photo Courtesy of Laura Chouette,

Wonder how a developmental edit works? The answer by super talented writer and fellow Daria aficionado Ian Rogers at …But I Also Have a Day Job. @IantheRoge 🙌

While you’re there, read his insightful interviews with inspiring writing advice from cool writers, such as Gina Troisi.

Also, check out TRAM, the awesome indie zine out of Toyama, Japan that Ian co-edits.

Also, get ready for his debut novel, MFA Thesis Novel, dropping in April 2022 at Vine Leaves Press @VineLeavesPress --it's fantastic and funny. I’m excited for readers and fellow writers to get their hands on this literary gem. 📘📚🖊

Photo Courtesy of Laura Chouette,

Photo Courtesy of Laura Chouette,

📸 My Photography Featured in Fatal Flaw 📸

Super excited that three of my photos have been published today as part of Fatal Flaw’s Ritual-themed Issue #4, among many talented writers and artists.

Please check out the issue as well as my film photograph (included here) as well as two digital compositions.

I used Kodak Gold 200 film on a ‘90s Canon to make this photo; I love that grainy film feeling and the way this film plays soft with light. 🤩📸

Rituals--Perfume Bottle1.jpg

Great News: Beyond Words Literary Magazine Second Printing

So pleased that this issue of the stellar international literary journal, Beyond Words Literary Magazine, from last June has now gone into a second printing! 😍📸

I have photography in the June 2020 issue as well as in their current May 2021 issue.

Get your copy/subscription today @beyondwordsmagazine . Also, consider submitting your words or art.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

My Conceptual Photo in an Exhibit: Nov. 25, 2020-Feb 23, 2021! 🎉📸

I received splendid news today: my conceptual photo was chosen as part of a photography magazine’s online art show, A Show of Hands!

Check out not just my photo, “I had the Radio on,” but also 49 other fabulous photos from shutterbugs all over the globe. An honor to have my work included in such talented company. Don’t Take Pictures gallery show.

The show will run from today through February 23, 2021.

MDF Website--Melanie_Faith-I_Had_the_Radio_on__11-20-15-768x1024.jpg

Photography Published in Molecule :)

Check out the latest amazing issue of Molecule, which features one of my black-and-white film photographs as well as excellent short poems, prose, and even a play. Here’s to issue #3!


The bottle was a find in my dad’s workshop— it’s glass, with a wonderful heft, and the letters on the bottle are raised/embossed. I love the font and how the bottle’s inscription includes a place on it.

My Photos Published in Burgundy Balloon :)

Pleased to announce that I have some photos (including this one, called “Next Steps”) published today in Burgundy Balloon.

Check out all of the images and some stellar creative writing, too (and consider submitting your own work) at: .

Moment Series-- Next Steps.jpg