Blog Tour: "How to Self-Motivate" 💡

The next stop on the Blog Tour is an article I had the joy of writing for Mari L. McCarthy’s CreateWriteNow.

Today’s article is all about self-motivation in your writing life, a topic particularly apt during this hectic holiday season. Enjoy! Clickety-click.

Also check out Mari’s wonderful books, such as Mindset Medicine and Journaling Power, along with motivating courses, beautiful music, and inspiring journaling podcast and videos.

Blog Tour: "To Monetize or Not: How to Know When to Make Money From Writing"

It’s a real treat to have my blog-tour guest post published today at Karen Brown Tyson’s wonderful website.

Ever wonder whether you should seek to monetize your writing? Ever debated keeping your writing a hobby? My craft article will explore several considerations on this topic to point you in the direct of the perfect fit for you and your writing.

Clickety-click! Many thanks to Karen Brown Tyson for her kindness and support. 🌟

Let the Fun Commence! Blog Tour Interview and Win a Copy! 💌📚

Super excited to launch my WOW! blog tour today for From Promising to Published! 💗

To get us started, I had the great joy of being interviewed by talented Nicole Pyles at Women on Writing. We dished about many writing topics, including submitting writing more than 1,300 times (aka: perseverance and keeping work in rotation), why I love teaching creative writing and what I’ve learned from my students, and the road to claiming the title of “writer.” Read on!

Check it out here: The Muffin interview clickety-click.

Also, after reading the interview, be sure to enter for your chance to win a free copy of my book (entries taken through December 18th) by filling out the Rafflecopter form located after the interview. Good luck! 🎊🍀

There’s also a copy up for grabs at The Mommies Reviews between now and December 10th . 📚

Giveaway: The Mommies Reviews clickety-click!

Blog Tour News! 🥳⭐

I’m super excited to announce a project I’ve been working on for a bit now: starting this Monday, December 5th (through January 7th, 2023), my latest book, From Promising to Published, will kickstart a WOW! blog tour!

Join us at the following amazing blogs for craft articles, some interviews about the book and writing, reviews, and more! Ta-da! 🥳📚

Special shout-out to fellow writers and book promoters extraordinaire Nicole Pyles at Women on Writing for championing my book and for super helpful answers to all of my questions and Angela Mackintosh for the fabulous tour banner and wonderful camaraderie! Many thanks to each of the generous book bloggers and reviewers as well! ⭐😊 I couldn’t have launched this tour without all of your support and kindness. Much appreciated!

I highly recommend WOW!’s book promotion services for fellow authors looking to expand their readership and market their books with the help of friendly, informed, enthusiastic book promoters and bloggers.

50 Give or Take, #2 Published and Ready for Readers! 📚🥳

It’s here! Check out this fabulous collection of micro stories to inspire your pen: clicky.

Such a treat to have work in this volume along with talented authors from across the globe. It’s the perfect addition to your bookshelf, classroom, syllabus, holiday gift list, and more!

Shout-out and many thanks to Jessica Bell and Elaina Battista-Parsons for this amazing, page-turning volume of stories.

"The 5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer" Published

A great joy that my piece, "The 5 Things You Need To Be A Successful Author or Writer," was published this week at Authority Magazine, along with an interview about mistakes I’ve made in my writing journey, a long-time-arriving acceptance letter, and more.

Art & Interview in Bait/Switch 🥳

A true delight to get to participate in Bait/Switch, an innovative, inspiring “call and response art publication” where creatives are given a piece of art as a prompt to then create a new piece of art.

I had the best time creating my cyanotype, “On the Move,” and had a blast talking art, letter-writing, and more with multitalented editor and executive director Lu Valena. Check out the latest/fall 2022 issue for the work of wonderful creatives here: clickety.

Extra props and a very special shout-out to powerhouse of art and dear friend Christine Tierney. Many thanks for your encouragement to submit to Bait/Switch and for the marvelous poetry and life conversations. Such a joy to be publication twins with you, and kudos on your group show! 🥳Check out Christine’s gorgeous collage art and interview in the issue as well as her fabulous poetry book, chicken+lowercase=fleur .

To continued artistic inspiration!

"Pocketed: Adventures with 110 Film and a 1980s Pocket Camera" Published 📸

Splendid news: I’m honored to be published today in Film Shooters Collective, a very inspiring resource and encouragement for photographers who practice the art of film photography.

I had the pleasure to take a pocket camera (sometimes called a “spy camera”) for a whirl recently, and after shooting two rolls of 110 film, I wrote about it. 🥳Curious? Remember these unobtrusive dynamos? Thinking about taking your own pocket camera for a spin or getting one? Clickety to read and learn more. The article is packed with tons of insights, photo examples, and tips to get you started.

Many thanks to the super talented Amy Jasek for her interest in my 110 camera shoot and her enthusiastic camera and cyanotype camaraderie. Please check out Amy’s amazing photography and wonderful cyanotypes.

To the marvels of film photography!

Happy November & NaNoWriMo & News

Happy November! Cheering on all of my fellow writers embarking on the adventure of NaNoWriMo this month.

While I won’t be taking part this year, I have a few exciting projects I’ve been working on since summer that are set to release this fall.

Stay tuned, and rooting for each of these novels that will be created this month. NaNo on!

The 50-Word Stories of 2022 Anthology! 📚

Super amped to have work in the The 50-Word Stories of 2022: : Microfiction for Lovers of Quick Reads alongside talented, innovative writers from across the world. Many thanks to Jessica Bell and Elaina Battista-Parsons for compiling such a marvelous collection of stories!

Perfect inspiration for writers, readers, and teachers alike!

Preorder now at Amazon. Clicky!