My Silhouette Portrait Published in Suspended Magazine & Giveaway Reminder ๐Ÿ“ธ๐Ÿฅณ

Very pleased to have one of my photos, โ€œOpen Space Silhouette Portrait,โ€ published in the current issue of Suspended Magazine. Check out the issue, and consider submitting poems, art, or short fiction to this amazing literary magazine: details here.

More insights from the magazine about my photo: โ€œIโ€™m interested in the numerous exciting permutations portraiture and self-portraiture can take. From precise likenesses to figures that could be a stand-in for almost any character or human form, the possibilities when documenting the self and others are encouraging for photographers who wish to explore. I took this self-portrait using a Nikon 35 mm DSLR, creating a window reflection and then playing with filters that introduced light leaks that offered a compelling interplay between buoyant, yellow warmth and movement against deep, calm shadows of introspection and stillness. Iโ€™m intrigued by how the finished photo suggests both anchoring and spaciousness.โ€


Also, just a reminder that Women on Writingโ€™s Thankful for Books Giveaway runs up to November 20th! ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ“š

Copies of my book, From Promising to Published , will be part of the prize packages for three lucky winners.

Read more and enter the contest at: Thankful for Books Giveaway!