My Next Book! Drumroll, Please... :)

Marvelous news! I’ve just received an acceptance letter for my next craft book for writers, Photography for Writers, from Vine Leaves Press.

My book’s birthday will likely be in December, just like mine and my darling birthday-twin niece! Couldn’t resist sharing.

Photo courtesy of: Jim Strasma, Unsplash,

Photo courtesy of: Jim Strasma, Unsplash,

A sneak-peek at the content and concept:

"Calling all shutterbugs! At last! Here's a craft book about photography specifically written from a writer's POV. Brimming with insight into image-making process and prompts to motivate, this down-to-earth, expressive guide is directed towards developing your writing and visual arts skills concurrently.

Written by a published photographer and writer who has been there, rest assured: this isn't a dusty technical jargon-filled tome of F-stops or aperture priority, and no previous photography skills are necessary to jump into this adventure. Love taking pictures? Have a passion for writing? Dig self-expression? This book is for you.”

Photo courtesy of: Roven Images at Unsplash,

Photo courtesy of: Roven Images at Unsplash,